Use SCAN button to search for nearby devices and select the one you want.

Use QR button to cause a barcode to be displayed on the watch screen. Scanning this barcode will pair the watch with the phone.

Use the REBOOT button to reboot the watch if it seems to be having problems or stops collecting correctly. Long pressing the reboot button will factory-reset the watch. Only use if you really need to!

Use the CONFIG button to refresh the configuration of the watch from the phone.

Icon Descriptions
xDrip core module doing initial sync up with G5 / G6. This mode should only last till the next reading (5-10 minutes).  If this is displayed for too long then there is a problem finding the transmitter signal and watch battery life will also be significantly impacted.
xDrip core is expecting G5 / G6 signal within the next 20 seconds and is waiting for the signal.

There is also a FAQ