Plain English Privacy Policy

We've tried to keep the privacy policy as short and simple as possible:

In order to operate the website and shop we need to collect and process certain personal data. We aim to minimise this as much as possible.

We don't use tracking cookies or analytics services. We don't have any 3rd party advertising on the site or social media icons that might contain tracking features.

We never share your data with others except when to provide essential services. For example, we would have to share your address with the parcel delivery company to deliver your order. When you make a payment with paypal we pass the detail of the order and amount to paypal so that they can complete the financial transaction.

It is our policy to prune old data from the website after a period of 2 years but we retain invoice records for 7 years due to legal and taxation requirements.

The only cookies we use relate directly to our site to handle session management, so that you can remain logged in between visits and to preserve the content of your shopping cart etc. These cookies automatically expire after a period of time. We use Cloudflare as a security enhancing front-end to the website. 

The only time you might receive promotional emails from us is if you explicitly opt-in to the newsletter mailing list. You are never automatically included in this.

When you connect to the website we receive information such as your internet IP address or the type of web browser you are using. In the case of BlueJay firmware updates we receive the serial number of the BlueJay, its version and numerical metrics about the enabled BlueJay features and capture rate. This information is used to statistically verify the performance of various software versions to improve the product and provide firmware updates to you.   

If you email us or contact us via the website we receive and store the text of any message (and our reply) - Such messages may be shared within our organisation so that different members of staff can respond to you. We typically archive these messages after 1 year and retain them for 7 years along with our general email.

If you have any further questions or would like to request that any data we hold on you is modified or deleted, please feel free to contact us via the Contact Us link on the website.

Privacy policy regarding phone apps

None of our phone apps collect, process or share any personal data. We do not use analytics or tracking or serve ads. There is no user registration or login required.

Where an app might, for example, use the camera to scan a barcode, this image is immediately discarded once the barcode has been read and is not stored on the device or uploaded anywhere.

In the case of crash reporting, we might receive information about the make and model of handset and geographic region and information about the nature of the software crash but this does not include any information that can identify any specific user and this only used by developers to be notified of code paths or operations which can result in an application crash so that the software can be improved.

We may receive generic aggregate statistical data on the number of active app installs and their geographic regions (eg country of origin). Often this data will be provided by app stores to developers and is not part of the app itself.

Privacy policy is issued by LocustWorld Ltd